Daycare - The majority of childcare centres in Canada are daycare. These
are usually full-day programs, five days a week, for children aged 30 months to
5 years old. Because of the full day schedule, children eat lunch at the centre
and often have an afternoon nap.
Pre-School - These programs are usually half-day with either a morning or
afternoon session. Enrollment can vary from two to five days per week for ages
3 to 5 years old. Emphasis is on school preparation such as numbers, alphabet,
and problem solving skills.
After School Care - For school aged children in grades K to 7. These
programs operate after elementary school until about 6:00 p.m. They may also
provide care on professional days and some holidays. Most are found near the
school and provide a pick up directly from the classroom.
Infant/Toddler - Very similar to daycare but for children aged 18 months
to 30 months. Because of the younger age group, there is more staff per child.
Greater emphasis on learning skills such as toilet training and eating.
Montessori - Increasingly becoming more popular in Canada. These programs
encourage the development of initiative and natural abilities. Other emphases
include math skills and reading.