5 Simple Playtime Ideas to Stimulate Child Development in the First Year:

Play This Little Piggy and Round and Round the Garden. Your child will learn how the body moves and what to expect by anticipating the next action. These two classic playtime activities may vary depending on how your mom did it, but the learning remains the same.
This Little Piggy: Take your child’s foot and wiggle the big toe as you say “this little piggy went to the market”- go to the next toe, “this little piggy stayed home” -continue from toe to toe, “this little piggy had roast beef, this little piggy had none, and this little piggy went wee wee wee wee all the way home”- tickle him all the way up his leg and tummy to his armpit or neck”
Round and Round the Garden: Hold your child’s hand out with the palm up. Take your finger and while tracing a circle on his palm say “round and round the garden gate like a teddy bear, one step, two steps, tickly under there.” Each step takes you closer the armpit where you gently tickle your child. Use the word “again?” to encourage your child’s understanding and to help him participate.

Elevator and bouncing rides will encourage parent-child bonding and trust. Reciting rhymes while you do this will add to the fun and encourage language development.
Bouncing rides: Place your baby on your lap and hold her under her arms. Move forward until you're at the edge of your seat then gently bounce your knees. The Noble Duke of York is a fun and easy rhyme to use while bouncing. To the tune of The Farmer in the Dell sing “The noble duke of York, he had 10,000 men, he marched them up to the top of the hill and he marched them down again. And when you’re up you’re up, and when you’re down, you’re down, and when you’re only half way up your neither up nor down.”
Elevator: Lie on your back and while lifting your baby up over you say, "I'm going to kiss you!" Slowly lower your baby down and give her a kiss.

Play Hide-and-Seek and Peek-a-Boo to teach your child about object and person permanence; she’ll learn to understand that even if she can’t see you, you are still there.
Hide-and-Seek: Hide yourself or a toy and encourage your child to seek. For younger babies play Peek-a-Boo; Cover your face with your hands, remove your hands and say “Peek-a-boo”. Do it over and over again!

Blow bubble around your child and encourage him to swat at them, catch them, or land on him. This is loads of fun and will encourage hand-eye coordination.

Use household items to help your child engage in symbolic play while at the same time developing coordinated motor skills. Your child will love to hear the sound of the wooden spoon banging on pots and pans and he may use the colander for a hat. As your child becomes more mobile try creating an obstacle course in your living room using cushions, pillows and blankets. Your baby will love it!

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