Daycare Providers FAQ
Q: Why should I list my childcare service with |
A: With, parents from all over the country can find
information about the childcare services you provide by using our simple postal
code search. They can also email you directly to ask questions and view photos
of your childcare centre.
Q: Will users of the website see my email address? |
A: No. Parents can email through the website without knowing
your email address. This helps protect your centre from receiving unwanted
emails. You can reveal your email address to the parents when responding to
their email.
Q: Does my childcare centre have to be licensed to be listed with |
A: No. Different provinces have different regulations when it comes to
childcare licensing. Both group childcare centres and family daycare can list
their services on the website regardless if they are licensed. If you wish to
emphasize that your centre is licensed you may include this information in the
"description" area.
Q: How often can I change the information about my childcare centre? |
A: You can change your information as often as you like. First you will need to
log in with your email address and password. You can change any information you
wish such as description, hours, photos and spaces available.
Q: Do parents have to pay to find childcare on |
A: No. It is absolutely free for anyone to search for childcare on the website. |
Q: How can I get support if I am having difficulties or need questions answered
regarding the website? |
A: The easiest way to reach us is by emailing your questions or concerns to: